ControlTec ASH Control Utility Incentives Map
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Utility Footprint Average kWh Price Payback Estimate Potential Rebate Capture

Upload Store List

This database is owned and operated by ControlTec, LLC. The anti-sweat heater control rebates dispalyed are updated solely by ControlTec and reflect rebate amounts negotiated for the AS-20 system and received by our customers.

For detailed information on our system or to verify if your stores qualify for a rebate, please reach out to

Store lists are not comprehensive for all banners and rebates are subject to change and may be outdated.

Electricity Pricing Obtained from EIA's Electricity Data.

Current Database Stats:

See panels below for specific instructions on how to use the map application:

  • Interact with territories on the map to view rebate and utility information.
  • Right-click to access up-to-date average kWh pricing by state.
  • Explore available rebates in the Utility Info Tab.
  • Banner footprints represent store counts within each utility's territory. These names link to comprehensive payback analyses by ControlTec.
  • View banners on the map.
  • View and sort the payback analysis table to find the shortest payback and total available rebate dollars for your stores.
  • Upload a CSV file to view custom store lists on the map and run the payback analysis on your own list.

Admin Functions:

  • Click the Add/Update Utility button next to the search bar to open the Add/Update Utility Form.
  • Always select a Utility from the autocomplete suggestions for accurate territory mapping. If you cannot find the utility name in the automcomplete, check the location here: EIA's Utility Map. It may be under a different name
  • Ensure all information is as complete as possible.
  • Update utilities via the popup form or directly from the map by selecting a territory and clicking 'Edit'.
  • If a utility is not found in the forms automcomplete, refer to EIA's Utility Map for the correct name.
  • Select the "Choose File" button from the Store Lists tab and select the desired CSV.
  • Each row must contain address or lat/lon information and a title column for each store for upload to work properly.
  • After importing a CSV, logged-in users can add new banners or overwrite existing ones in the database.
  • Always verify the accuracy and completeness of your store list.
  • NOTE: This process could take serveral minutes for large store lists.
  • Export site lists by selecting a specific banner or utility, then select "Export to Excel"
  • Upload a csv normally, then select the "Export to Excel" button to get a full list of the uploaded stores with a utility and kWh Price column included.
  • NOTE: The upload process and export may take a long time to complete for large store lists. Please do not reload the page or click the back button.
  • kWh prices, typically updated monthly, are sourced from EIA's Electricity Data. Use the 'Update kWh Price' button to refresh this data.